Our ProjectsOur National Guard members are Minnesotans who have stood up to make the sacrifice to serve our country when they are called. They have jobs and families like any Minnesotan, but they are making a sacrifice to provide us the freedoms we enjoy each and every day. The mission of Serving Our Troops is to send a message to these soldiers and their families that they are not forgotten and that we appreciate their sacrifice.
Saint Paul to Kuwait & Jordan - 2024Saint Paul to Djibouti - 2020Saint Paul to Kuwait IV - 2019Saint Paul to Kuwait - 2018Saint Paul to Kuwait III - 2016Hockey Day MN - 2015Saint Paul to Kuwait II - 2014Saint Paul to Kuwait - 2012Saint Paul to Fort McCoy - 2011Saint Paul to Iraq & Kuwait - 2009Saint Paul to Iraq II- 2009Saint Paul to Fort Sill - 2008Rochester to Kosovo - 2008Saint Paul to Iraq – 2007Saint Paul to Camp Shelby – 2006Saint Paul to Kosovo – 2004 |