Serving Our Troops was formed by a group of community and business leaders with a common interest in supporting those who put themselves in harm's way so that we may enjoy all that is great about our Country.
15 Volunteer-Driven Projects Since 2004
Over 110,000 Steak Dinners Served to Soldiers and Families Around the World
Iraq • Kuwait • Kosovo • Ft. Sill, Oklahoma • Camp Shelby, Mississippi
• Ft. McCoy, Wisconsin • Saint Paul & Rochester, MN
Serving Our Troops projects are unprecedented in the U.S. Military and enjoy strong support from community leaders and the Minnesota National Guard.
Our goals:
Provide a delicious meal to soldiers and their families
Send a message of support from Saint Paul and the State of Minnesota
Promote awareness of Minnesota’s unprecedented military service
"To the brave men and women who serve and to their family members back home, we wish to express our heartfelt appreciation for your continued sacrifices."